15 April 2008

politics: process, process, yuck

The West Wing is one of my favorite shows, particularly seasons 1-3. There's one point where Leo says the one things you don't want the public to see is how you makes laws and sausages. I would add that you don't want the public to see how Democrats nominate a presidential candidate. Yikes. I've been following the race closely, and I've thought all along that we've all needed a degree in political science, a thorough understanding of Hobbes, and night vision goggles and a pick axe to figure out what the heck is going on. Of course, I live in TX which had that weird primary precinct convention system that had political experts openly weeping. At any rate, I'm officially done. I can't stand the navel gazing anymore. It's nauseating at the point. I just want a nominee. There's a point where you just have to accept that the process is done even if you don't get to everything.

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