14 April 2008

writing and culture: stuff white people like

I like the blog stuff white people like. The blog itself kind of fits the mode that it discusses. White people like blogs because they (blogs) are a little elitist and egalitarian. There is a whole argument made by oddityodyssey about how this blog is perpetuating white culture as the dominate culture or actually doing a service by identifying white culture. I do think the blog is narrowly liberal, college educated, and East/West Coast white culture; most of the white people who went to my small town Texas undergraduate would not recognize many of the posts on the blog as part of their experience of white culture. But, as a Dallas girl who actively resists being granola (a conscious decision upon my part) I find I a) do like some of the stuff the blog discusses and b) feel a little uncomfortable about it as I read the blog. I assuming that feeling a little uncomfortable is supposed to be the reaction. At any rate, all of this to say, the people who run the blog are putting out a book.

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